Sunday, February 27, 2005

And the Oscar goes to......

Does anybody even care anymore? The vast majority of people I know don't even watch it anymore. The morning news outlets will let us know who won (rarely in any deviation to the predications anyway) so why waste a whole night on it?

The academy knows this and has take steps to breathe life into this bloated dead carcass of excess. The oldest trick going is now being employed, shock value. They have put Chris Rock in as the host to replace the lackluster hosts of the past awards. The only way he can be funny is if they let him do the writing, thereby requiring the use of that tape delay they so desperately wanted set up. If they use their writers it will be the same lame old pablum delivered by an out of character host (I see a pattern developing here).

If you want the viewers to come back I think you should have the title match setup for the Oscar. If Annette Bening really wants her Best Actress Oscar then she will have to see how much Hilary Swank really learned filming "Million Dollar Baby".

Now there's something the middle class would love to see.


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