Friday, September 22, 2006


Yaaaaayyyyy!  It's finally here!The smells, the colours, the crisp cool morning air. There’s nothing I don’t like about Autumn. Okay so the leaf raking is a bit much at times, but then again I don’t have to mow the lawn so much, so it’s a trade off. The smell in the morning with the moisture and the leaves all compressed by the cold into that distinctive smell of autumn. For many, the first thing they’ve smelled in months now that the frosts have knocked out all the pollen. The photography bug in me feeds off of the shifting landscapes and the riot of colours. A simple walk down the street is an adventure in hue and colour as you get to see all the trees shifting their look in preparation for the final molting. Unfortunately for those of you in England you likely can’t see all the colours through the mist that seems to fall every autumn and turns most things a muted shade of blah – although you get conkers and bonfire toffee too so it works out. And in Florida where they celebrate the arrival of Autumn by removing the plywood from their windows. The best part around here is that every day that same walk is always a little different. Sure it’s never quite the same each day for the rest of the year either, but it seems so much more this time of year.

All that carving calls to me like a siren's song.Like the trees, I too am preparing for the winter. Storing up the beauty and splendor of nature until it marks its triumphant return in the springtime. I don’t have roots so I have to keep it all in my socks, but I manage. Sure I love the winter too, but living in the city means it’s more a celebration of frostbite and gray slush than it is rolling white landscapes and fun filled games all resulting from the white powder of joy. Besides there’s still fun with leaf ball fights and building fall men out of sticks and mud. Not to mention that most enjoyable of holidays for us unbalanced folk…….Halloween.

Lament your summer or embrace your colourful trees, the choice is yours. What are you doing to celebrate the arrival of Autumn at 12:03am EST?


Blogger Ellie Creek Ellis said...

we are getting firewood! i still need to finish out my garden. i have squash and pumpkins out there...and the sunflowers are still in glory.

9:20:00 AM  
Blogger Oh great One said...

I LOVE Autumn! It's my favorite season. I'm in a bit of unknown territory though. Having moved from Colorado to Louisiana I don't quite know what to expect!

9:24:00 AM  
Blogger Louisiana said...

what a wonderful write up for Autumn. I think you enjoy it ;p ..
I love the colors and the fact that it's now alright to wear boots and longer skirt without dying of heat..don't get me wrong i love the easiness of summer. For me, it's just a priviledge to live in a place where we actually get to enjoy all the seasons...

9:30:00 AM  
Blogger Karen Schmautz said...

The wind kicked up this morning and it's whirling the brown pineneedles off the trees. I noticed the dogwood leaves are beginning to turn along with the Chinese Pistache. I love, love, love fall. Bring on the crockpots full of stews, steaming hot apple cider and crisp golden delicious apples.

Good post.

12:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the leaves picture. I think nature just arranges itself so you can come along and take its photograph.

12:34:00 PM  
Blogger Fizzy said...

?gnikat uoy era esruoc tahw egelloc ot kcab gniog no snoitlautargnoC
.ruoloc fo segnahc eht dna sruoloc eht evol I .emit nmutuA evol I !uoy loof ot naht retteb wenk I

1:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those are SOME f-ing huge clown noses on that cart... Did you decide to switch to orange ones?

1:47:00 PM  
Blogger Memphis said...

I just farted and it's fogging up my computer screen!

4:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay for Autumn, and a BIG YAY for Halloween! We hung a silly little fall leaf wreath on our apartment door, and sometime soon we are going to compost the summer plants and get pumpkins for the porch!

9:57:00 PM  
Blogger Mayo said...

Autum always makes me want a latte and a good horror flick...

2:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apple and pumpkin picking.

Pictures of the sunrise over the Long Island Sound on a crisp November morning.

The Pumpkin Festival here in town.

Trick or Treating with the kids.

Kicking leaves on long walks.

It's my favorite season.

4:03:00 PM  
Blogger wondy woman said...

I'm just going to have to rely on you to get me through autumn, as you rightly put it, Britain turns pretty much grey round about now.

I still love Autumn though, I'm going to run naked through the streets in celebration and jump into the largest pile of leaves I can...


Erm, guess I'll just get out the tartan blanket and put on the kettle...


Happy Autumn, Rainy Pete!

5:39:00 PM  
Blogger PBS said...

I've potted up my herb plants and the peppers. Autumn is a great season, except for the threat of winter coming soon...

10:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do love autumn, it's just that it wrecks havoc on the old asthma.
Either way, I love apple picking, Thanksgiving, pumpkin patch trips and especially taking my little one out for Halloween!
Apparently this year he insists on being "The Joker" and his dad has to dress up like Superman & has the task of taking him out this year....I said just come by so I can take pics of you two ...Mwahahaha

8:53:00 PM  
Blogger Rae Ann said...

Happy Autumn! It used to be my favorite season, but nowadays they all are my favorites in some way or other.

10:26:00 AM  
Blogger Rowan said...

don't know about you, but I've had to cut my grass 2x a week for the last couple weeks and personally, I hate it. I just heard today we can expect snow on the ground by halloween, and how can you like this chilly weather??? how can ANYONE

12:31:00 PM  
Blogger katie said...

hmm. Autumn. I'll let you know when it actually starts to feel like it here. I can't wait for pumpkin carving though!

12:41:00 PM  

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