Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Happiness and Heartbreak

So it's Tuesday and back to reality around here. Our Thanksgiving long weekend is over and the turkey has been reduced to a pile of leftovers. The pies have been eaten and belts are creaking with the strain of containing our expanded bellies. We met with family and friends and shared a laugh and some food (and the dishes....ugh). For me teh happiness was tempered with some sadness too. If you remember October 1st's post about Heather and her pregnancy then here is the update we didn't really want. From Heather's post
    Aodin R. Hurd was born at 4:02 am on Sunday, October 7th, 2007. His strong, tiny heart had ceased to beat hours beforehand, just one and a half days before his nineteenth week of gestation. He weighed 9.6 oz and had beautiful, big hands and perfect tiny feet. He was beautiful.

I'm glad that they too were surrounded by family in a time like this. Heather will always have those precious moments she got to spend with Aodin for the rest of her life. My heart and prayers are with Heather, Aaron, and the whole of the Hurd-Horst clan. It's going to a long and difficult road to recovery but with each of them to help carry them through they will make it. Stories like these just strengthen my resolve in trying to get to help out the organization I wrote about before called Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep. As their website states


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pete, you're amazing. I am checking out the website right now.

9:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having just become an aunty of a healthy baby niece, my heart breaks reading this. It would've anyway, but even more now...

3:02:00 AM  
Blogger Martini said...

So sad. I read her post earlier on Flickr, but didn't know what to say. I'm a stranger, so it couldn't have meant much. Maybe I'm wrong though.

4:41:00 PM  
Blogger Mark Leslie said...

My heart aches for the family - God bless them in this difficult time.

10:26:00 PM  

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