Monday, May 08, 2006

Opening Weekend

Doors are open so come in and enjoy!

This weekend saw a unique opportunity for us Hamilton folk. It was an opportunity to skip church in order to hang out in....well.....churches. Ok, so it wasn't really that but it sounded neat. This weekend saw the annual Doors Open event in our fair city. An offshoot of a concept started in France in 1984, Doors Open is a chance to view historical properties all over the place that normally are either closed to the public or some of the museums which allow free admission for the weekend. Ontario started their annual province wide Doors open event back in 2002 and since then, sees loads of people come out to enjoy the opportunity.

For some it's a chance to view and learn about the properties that helped build our communities. For others (including me) it's a time to enjoy the architecture and take heaps of pictures of the buildings that we can't usually get into. Learning about the past uses and future plans for many of these endangered properties is fun and sometimes depressing when seeing the decay that is beginning to set in. Many are being fixed but still many others' repair status is unknown. Lots of ideas and not enough money is the common culprit.

All in all, hats off to Ontario's Heritage Trust for allowing the public to see these beautiful places. If you're so inclined you should check out this page to see if your country or community offers a doors open. Enjoy these pics of some of the sites and features.

One of many beautiful old churches open during the event

Nary a monitor to be seen on this old sucker!

I tried and tried to get the internet up on this bad boy to no avail

One of many outdoor sculptures in a garden atop our art gallery

Just one of many beautiful old windows in the churches

An old bank still stands to this day in our old city

One of the amazing spires that tops an ancient building

An example of the details that are around the walls on these buildingsOf all the features though, my favourite was this door's opening with the cry of "Daddy's home!"

Is there anybody out there?


Blogger Fizzy said...

What a brilliant idea! I live in a city that has a very long- strong past. Founded on trade (corn, cloth and wool) as the tradesmen got richer and richer they built bigger and more ornate buildings. Alot of these buildings are shops now, but if you look upwards as you walk around they are fantastic. I have often wanted to have a look inside and see what has remained of thier extravegence.
... OK I am wittering but this is a cubject very close to my heart. Good for your town for entering into this screeen.

I like the last photo best of all though... lovely

12:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love old churches.Those are great pics.

1:49:00 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

You've got some really great pictures here. I wish I had known - I would have loved to explore your city.

3:07:00 PM  
Blogger Ellie Creek Ellis said...

great idea, glad you enjoyed them and the best one of all, of course, is last pic!

8:00:00 PM  
Blogger Chana said...

I love the last picture of the child through the screen!

3:09:00 AM  
Blogger Chana said...

Here via Click and comment day...visit and find out what it little way to interact with others! Great pics! I like the one Atlas does!

3:10:00 AM  
Blogger Mark Leslie said...

Very cool.

I really love the typewriter keyboard picture. It's the type of shot I'd love to get framed and hang on the wall

(don't worry, I wouldn't do that without your permission, and asking you to sign it, of course)

7:57:00 AM  
Blogger Ellie Creek Ellis said...

i would love to perform in a concert hall much like that of the church....the acoustics must be wonderful. i love the wood and that rectangle shape, something you don't get in a widespread auditorium.

i liked the typewriter, also. i remember when they went electric!

8:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your pictures are AWESOME! That sounds like such a good idea. I wish Annapolis did that...

9:19:00 AM  
Blogger Lois Lane said...

Awwww! you got me there at the end. Great photos all around!

1:02:00 PM  
Blogger Martini said...

My house is not open to the public, even with this special event. How on earth did you get pictures of my antique Underwood Typewriter? Don't tell me someone else has one too!

2:08:00 PM  
Blogger Oh great One said...

Those are fabulous pictures!

5:32:00 PM  
Blogger wondy woman said...

I love those pictures, Pete but I love the one of your daughter the best - she's beautiful! Ginger forever!!

5:35:00 PM  
Blogger Miss Kim said...

Hey fabulous shots! My daughter lves in Hamilton, and I am so far away so seeing these photos made me feel a little bit closer to her today :)
Thank You!

12:03:00 PM  
Blogger glomgold said...

Pretty cool. Nice that the town does that.

11:10:00 PM  

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