Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Have I mentioned how much I love summer storms. Is it because I can risk my neck by standing there with a metal tripod in front of me, daring the lightning to come for me? Not really, but looking back that's sort of what I did to get this shot!!

This summer has been a roller coaster of storms and hail and tumultuous weather indeed. For a storm junkies like me it's been heavenly. The noise and the light shows each night have been wonderful to watch and now I've got a nice bit of shelter in the backyard and some nice chairs that were a father's day gift to sit in and watch the storms roll through. Sure any storm pictures in my yard wouldn't look as impressive as this, but sometimes it's better to just sit and enjoy the show isn't it?

Lately my life has been like the summer weather with my career looking a bit like a summer storm. Where will it all lead? I don't know, but it's neat to have some options for once. I've learned that when it comes to selling your soul there actually is a price that is too low and I've been selling it at that price for too long now. I'd rather be broke and happy than rich and miserable any day of the week. I've got the broke all worked out so now it's time to get to the happy......

Fun times ahead!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice to see another post, and I LOVE that picture.

Hope all is well with you!

9:07:00 AM  
Blogger Hillary said...

HI!!! :) Nice to see you back! Awesome photo (as is the one of you in the Bible times headgear and robe in front of a lake!).

Best of wishes for the job situation.

9:26:00 AM  
Blogger Laura Brown said...

I love storms too. Wish you were posting more but it's good to be busy too.

11:06:00 AM  
Blogger Laura Brown said...

I was given an award for being a creative blogger. Passing it along to you as another creative blogging type.

1:55:00 PM  

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